I grew up in Hudson, Massachusetts, moved to Berkeley California for a year, then Chicago for a year, settling in Ann Arbor, Michigan for about four decades before returning to New England. I earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Master of Public Administration from Eastern Michigan University.
During my Fine Art studies, I began my journey with a camera enjoying my solitude in a darkroom processing black and white film. I now work in my digital lab with a Nikon camera and lenses and process with Lightroom, Photoshop, and ON1.
Through my photography, I search for hidden meanings beyond the visual world surrounding us, creating images that transform the ordinary into a visual journey of familiar feelings, thoughts, fantasies, and memories.
Some images are very sharp and detailed while others are very much influenced by Impressionism’s interplay of light to present a poetic and ethereal feel to them.
Because of the fluidity of time and the changing experiences we have, they can mean different things at different times. For me, time has become an idea that past, present and future are commingled in a single cerebral space. One spacial time cannot exist alone and thereby influences the others. Thoughts of the past along with anticipations of the future are ever present in our current existence.
Linda DeStefano Brown, BFA, MPA
Fine Art Photographer